Using an evidence-based brain training approach, I help anyone stuck in their own private food hell, end their binge and emotional eating habits for good...
so they can reclaim their health and sanity;
so they can get back in charge of their eating and weight;
and so they can finally have the energy, freedom and confidence to perform at their best and do more with their lives.

This Is My Gig
In life, there are only a handful of things I'm good at. And a ton of things I'm not.
But coaching people through change, helping them overcome their greatest challenges with food and eating and showing them how to become better and healthier versions of themselves is what I do best.
It's my thing. It's what I live for. It's what I love. It's what makes me a better person.
But for me to be able to give my best, I choose to work privately and one-to-one with only 15 people at a time.
It's the only way I can maintain such a high level of support, develop customised solutions, and create a transformational relationship with each and every client.
Qualifications & Training
Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner
(Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine)
Graduate Diploma of Lifestyle Medicine
(Southern Cross University)
Bachelor of Pharmacy
(University of South Australia)
Graduate Certificate in Wellness
(Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)
Health Coach Training
(Health Change Australia)
Wellness Coach Training
(National Wellness Institute; University of Wisconsin)
Certified Fitgenes Nutrigenomics Practitioner
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Training
(Psychological Flexibility - Russ Harris)
Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine
I work with people who are fed up with wasting their time and energy on stuff that doesn't work and who are now ready to step up and do things very differently.
My clients have failed enough times already. So I owe it to them to get to the root causes of what's REALLY going on. From there, it's all about finding REAL solutions, so they can finally get off the long and lonely road of guilt, shame and overwhelm and on to a clearer path towards better health, better energy, a better body and a better life.
My Story
Hi there,
I’m Martin Flood, a pharmacist turned Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner.
And through the Food Freedom Brain Training (FFBT) approach, I’ve helped hundreds of men and women rewire their hungry brain's, transform their relationship with food, reclaim their health (and sanity) and get back in charge of their bodies and lives.
But before I could advise, coach and support others, I first needed to heal my very own disordered habits around food.
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Informed By Science | Driven By Passion
My Very Personal Struggle With Food and Fat
The ONE Thing I DIDN'T Need...And Neither Do You
Informed By Science | Driven By Passion
After 18 years as a pharmacist my passion shifted from drug-based therapies to showing those suffering from disordered eating habits (such as overeating, stress eating, emotional eating, night-time/weekend overeating, bingeing, yo-yo dieting etc.) how they could permanently drop their struggles with food and weight and simply get on with living healthy, rich, full and meaningful lives.
Ultimately this led me back to university and into an entirely different career as an Integrative Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner.
Unfortunately, the current medical model is still way too focused on treating people after they've fallen sick or have gone on to develop diabetes, heart disease or some other crippling illness. But these things are entirely preventable.
And I've personally experienced the huge benefits in both health, productivity and quality of life that come from re-engineering your eating habits and lifestyle... and this is now what I strive to help others achieve.
I've spent many years researching and evaluating all the evidence out there on what interventions really work for overcoming challenges with food.
But, more importantly, I've distilled and transformed all this scientific evidence so it can be practically and successfully applied in the real world with real people to change real lives.
The process I now take my clients through is really the culmination and refinement of all this research and experience.
I’ve now personally coached several hundred clients with food, body, and/or weight related challenges. And after witnessing so many people benefit from this Food Freedom Brain Training approach, I've discovered there are 5 critical success strategies that stand out above all others.
In fact, these strategies are so fundamental, they underpin the entire approach and represent the very core of how I work with every client.
You can discover more about the 5 Key Success Strategies here.
Discover the 5 Step Game Plan Critical for Getting Back In Charge of Your Eating and Your Weight
My Very Personal Struggle With Food and Fat
My passion for lifestyle change really stemmed from my own personal struggles with sugar and processed foods.
You see, my pharmacy was located right next door to a bakery. But not just any bakery. It was the kind of bakery people would drive across town to visit.
And every morning I was greeted with the overwhelmingly pleasant aroma of freshly baked goodies. It would just permeate through the shared ceiling space.
And it wasn't long before I was in the habit of grabbing a meat pie and croissant for breakfast.
But it didn't stop there...
When 11 am came around it was time for a bite of morning tea. And anything was fair game - custard slices, cream buns, biscuits, donuts, or cake.
Then, of course there was lunch and yet another opportunity to indulge in whatever took my fancy.
And to top it all off, at the end of the day, Peter (the baker) would walk in to the pharmacy with an assortment of delights from whatever was left over from the day's trading. How thoughtful and generous!!!
And how could I refuse? Because now I had something sweet and delicious for after dinner as well.
Good times!
Of course, I knew this style of eating was completely unhealthy. I'm a health professional after all!
But somehow I felt completely powerless to stop it.
It was easy. Convenient. Quick. And so damn yummy. My taste buds were hooked.
But it in March 2006 something rocked my world.
During a routine visit to my optometrist for a new pair of glasses, he noticed cholesterol deposits had started forming around my cornea.
I didn't even know that was possible. It wasn't something I had ever heard of. Arcus senilis was the official diagnosis. Apparently it can occur in old age. But I wasn't even 37.
The fear was that it could be an indication of much more serious atherosclerosis (blocked arteries) happening elsewhere in the body.
So off I went for more tests and scans. Although nothing sinister was found, I did discover something else quite shocking.
My body composition was a whopping 28% fat. Way too high for a guy of my age.
My steady diet of Coke, meat pies, hot-dogs, cream buns, vanilla slices, cakes, biscuits, and ice-cream was taking its toll.
Clearly something had to change. My disordered eating habits had to go.
It wasn't easy.
But thanks to a changed mindset, a healthier relationship with food, and a number of rewired habit pathways (without ever dieting, counting calories, or using medication), I was able to reduce my body fat level to a very respectable 16%; something which I still maintain to this day.
And now I get to witness similar transformations everyday with my clients thanks to the direction and accountability that comes with the Food Freedom Brain Training approach.
The ONE Thing I DIDN'T Need....And Neither Do You
The first key thing I realised during my own personal journey was that when it comes to healthy eating, most of us don't need more information. A lack of information isn’t the issue. In fact, information overload (and confusion) is actually part of the problem.
When it comes to making healthy choices, most of us know what we should be doing. I certainly did.
But there remains a huge gap between the knowing and the doing.
Despite our good intentions we continue to struggle.
Why is it so hard to stick with healthy eating and lifestyle habits?
Why don't we do what we know we should?
And why, even after making a change, do we constantly slip up and go back to our old ways?
These were the precise questions that led me back to university and into an entirely different career as a Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner.
And since starting Breakfree Nutrition, I now spend most of my time working 1:1 with clients all around the globe who are struggling to answer these exact same questions for themselves.
Think Different. Do Different. Be Different
Unfortunately, when it comes to nutrition, exercise, weight loss, and lifestyle advice, there's so much conflicting information floating around.
These days, it seems anyone can publish a book, set up a blog, or create a diet program regardless of their qualifications and expertise.
And many of my clients, at one time or another, have followed the advice found in these books, websites, and programs only to find these approaches are either full of fluff and not practically useful; or too extreme and can't possibly be sustained over the long term.
And when you really take a closer look at what they're actually offering, it's very clear that none of them follow any of the 5 Key Success Strategies absolutely essential for getting back in charge of your eating and maintaining your most healthy weight.
So when it comes to solving your food and weight-related struggles, it's time to do things differently. Very differently.
And that's precisely what the Food Freedom Brain Training approach is all about - offering you an alternative path, when all else has failed.
A Transformational Approach
In essence, I've created a platform and coaching process that is available to anyone who seriously needs an entirely new and transformative approach for overcoming their struggles with food, eating and weight.
I won't simply give you information, tell you what to do, and then send you on your way. And I'll never give you a bunch of rules or pre-prepared meal plans to follow either.
That's what others do....and it's a complete waste of time (and money).
Instead, I'll show you exactly how to change using an evidence-based brain training approach that will enable you to rewire the habit pathways that are keeping you stuck.
My signature Food Freedom Brain Training program, (actually it's more of a process than a program) is based around the 5 key steps mentioned above and combines a unique blend of tools, strategies and skills from the neuroscience and psychology of changing eating habits with an intensive one-to-one coaching process that provides high-level support and accountability.
Quite simply, I'll give you all the skills and support you need, so you can successfully transition to a new way of eating and living that's realistic and sustainable within the context of your very own hectic and unique life.
Professional Timeline
Martin continues to lead the charge against traditional and ineffective diet programs.
His trusted and cutting-edge Breakfree Nutrition brand provides a comprehensive evidence-based Food Freedom Brain Training (FFBT) approach for men and women all over the globe struggling to get back in charge of their eating and weight.
2013 - Breakfree is Born
Launched the Breakfree Brand (initially as Breakfree Weight Loss).
Released FFBT 3.0
Commenced Group Trial of FFBT 3.0
2012 - Established The Genescript Trust
Martin commenced The Genescript Trust to investigate the relationship between obesity and genetics.
Released FFBT 2.0
2011 - Certification
Completed Nutrigenomics Certification.
Completed Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Training.
2010 - Private Coaching Practice
Commenced working with overweight, obese and diabetic individuals in his private health coaching practice.
Developed very first iteration of the Food Freedom Brain Training (FFBT) approach.
2010 - Lifestyle Medicine Degree
Completed university degrees in both Lifestyle Medicine and Wellness.
Further training in Health Coaching both in Australia and United States.
1994 - Community Pharmacy Practice
Opened MB Flood Pharmacy - an independent community pharmacy servicing the southern beach side suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia.
1991 - Pharmacy Qualification
Completed Bachelor of Pharmacy degree at the University of South Australia.
Commenced work at Flinders Medical Centre Pharmacy Department, Adelaide.